The kids are really getting into the story time more each week. On Tuesday, Doraluz, who is 12, answered her first question ever. She is one of the children who doesn't seem to have heard these Bible stories before, so it's really exciting to see her and her sisters and brother learning more. We read about Moses last week, and made frogs with long balloons for tongues after we learned about the plagues in Egypt. Then this week we've learned about Samson, and I brought a fun wig we got to play with and we played a game called pull-apart where you display your strength by having the boys sit down and lock arms and the girls do their best to pull them apart.
We have also been working on basic things like saying 'thank you' instead of demanding a different type of candy or coloring sheet, and throwing away trash and candy wrappers in actual trash cans! Some of these kids don't get a lot of attention, so there is a lot they aren't learning at home along those lines.
It's really almost comical to look back at what I've written because I am getting so excited about every little thing with these crazy kids. I never imagined I would love this so much, and God has provided so many resources and helpers and faithful attenders to encourage me in something so new to me!

Raul is taking the brunt of it in pull apart!

Americo posing as Samson! Americo has become a faithful attender and leader for the group. He also comes on Saturdays to the older kids' club and likes to help out facilitating games and things.

Doraluz, me, Frine, and Johann. These kiddos are really excited to be with us each time and they seem to be learning the Bible for the first time. Johann is even learning to behave better than when he first started coming. He took the initiative and helped me put my things in my bag after our time this week!
Please pray that things will continue to go deeper in my time on Tuesdays and Fridays with these little ones. I don't want to just entertain them, I want them to learn and grow in Christ. I am also leading an arts/crafts type course for the older students' club where they earn badges for learning new skills. I am responsible for leading a weekly art time (I don't dare call it a class!) for around 7 students for up to 3 months. I am not particularly artistically gifted, and materials are a little harder to come by without Michael's or Hobby Lobby craft stores around, so please pray that God will work in this, as I don't have much to offer on my own! Pray for continued resources and creativity, and that meaningful conversation can occur during our weekly time together. Please also pray for my Spanish to continue to improve.
I am so grateful for your prayers, support, and encouragement. Thank you for helping me to be a part of this great ministry in Peru!
1 comment:
Hi-I don't know you, but Lauren showed me your website. I'm here in Japan with her. Your pictures are awesome. I wanted to leave you a comment, because I hate it when people don't leave me comments too. We need to know people are reading, right?
Lauren and I went to the post office today to mail a huge box to you. We had to take turns carrying it and I'm sure people were laughing at us. It was great.
Keep up the good work-your blog is awesome.
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