Here is a silly one of me with Papa Noel outside the grocery store!
Here are some more pictures from the past few weeks. I have really gotten to know my way around town and am loving it so far. Joanna left to go back to the States last week, but I am continuing to work with the children in Palpanccay and I really love it. This week, a teenage guy from the church went with me and we took a Panetone, which is a traditional fruitcake that they go crazy for in Peru. The kids just loved it. We also took some nativity coloring pages and they colored while I read the Christmas story from the (Spanish) Children's Bible. They were all very attentive and it was a great time.
This one is at the party we had a few weeks ago.
Joanna got them all matching fleece jackets that say "soy un nino de Jesus" (I am a child of Jesus), and handed them out at the party.
We had a dinner party with some other missionaries in town earlier this week. We made Thai food and had cake and homemade chai tea for dessert. The other women are from Canada, Minnesota, and Norway. It goes Adaline, Susanna (my roommate), Carletta, me and Alice from left to right.
This is Darwin. He is dancing in this picture - when we had the kids over, we watched "Madagascar" and the song that goes "I like to move it, move it" was translated and the kids loved it and sing and dance to it constantly now!
my apartment...we live up on the fourth floor and the balcony up top is out of my room (it's really just a clothesline though).
Nataly and I in the crowded taxi on the way back to Pappanccay.
walking down from Pappanccay.
Sarah and Noel...their parents are on the MTW team here in Cusco.
Me, Elmer, and Henry. These two are brothers and are some of my favorite. Henry takes such good care of Elmer, always holding his hand and making sure he's safe!